Robert Naylor
- Age:
- 28
- Height:
- 1.87 m / 6'1"
- Hair:
- Light brown
- Eyes:
- Bluish green
- Languages / Origins:
- English, French
- Skills:
- Piano, Doublage, Advertising voice, Drums, Soccer, DJ, Downhill skiing, Hockey

Démo de jeu
Maria Chapdelaine (2020)
Transplant (2019)
Quand l’amour se creuse un trou (2017)
Quand l’amour se creuse un trou (2017)
District 31 (2016)
Gala du cinéma québécois (2022)
Nomination in the category “Meilleur premier rôle masculin” Nomination dans la catégorie ‘‘Meilleure interprétation masculine’’ pour son rôle d’Alexandre dans ‘‘Le Bruit des moteurs’’
Young Artist Award (2013)
Nomination in the category “Meilleure performance - série télé” for the role of Stevie in “Being human”
Young Artist Award (2012)
Nomination in the category “Meilleure performance - minisérie” for the role of Eric Hillridge in “Cyberbully”
Ciné 7 - Festival du film de Sept-Iles (2011)
Special mention for the role of Tommy Leblanc in “10 1/2”
Gala des Genie (2011)
Nomination in the category “Interprétation masculine - premier rôle” for the role of Tommy Leblanc in “10 1/2”
Young Artist Award (2011)
Recipient in the category “Meilleure performance - film étranger” for the role of Tommy Leblanc in “10 1/2”
Festival international du film de Bratislava (2010)
Recipient in the category “Best actor” for the role of Tommy Leblanc in “10 1/2”
Doute Raisonnable (2024)
Director: Danièle Méthot Personnage: Victor Dubé
Société Distincte (2023)
Director: Benoit Lach Producer: Blachfilms
Indéfendable (2023)
Director: Stéphane Simard Producer: Pixcom Productions
À coeur battant (2022)
Director: Jean-Philippe Duval Producer: Aetios Productions
Clash (2019-2020)
Director: Simon Barrette Producer: Aetios
Bellevue (2017)
Director: A. Mitchel, A. Mullen, K. Nguyen Producer: Muse Entertainment
Cardinal (2017)
Director: Podz Producer: CTV
District 31 (2016)
Director: D.Méthot, J-C. Lord, S. Barrette Producer: Aetios
Subito texto (2013-2014)
Director: Sylvain Roy Producer: Zone 3
Being Human (2011-2013)
Director: Paolo Barzman, Adam Kane, Stefan Shwartz Producer: Muse Entertainment
19-2 (2010-2014)
Director: Podz Producer: Films Zingaro
Mile End Kicks (2024)
Director: Chandler Levack
Hair of the Bear (2024)
Director: James McLellan et Sacha Trudeau Producer: Hair of the Bear Films Personnage: Sam
Le Temps (2021)
Director: François Delisle Producer: Films 53/12 Narration
Maria Chapdelaine (2020)
Director: Sébastien Pilote Producer: Pionners Productions
Le bruit des moteurs (2018)
Director: Philippe Grégoire Producer: g11c
Répertoire des villes disparues (2018)
Director: Denis Côté Producer: Productions Couzin
Quand l’amour se creuse un trou (2017)
Director: Ara Ball Producer: Blackboard
Everything will be fine (2015)
Director: Wim Wenders Producer: Neue Road Movies
10 1/2 (2009)
Director: Podz Producer: Zoofilms
Short Film
Alone with Mr. Carter (2011)
Director: Jean-Pierre Bergeron Producer: Danny Rossner
Related Experience
Haute Démolition (livre audio) (2022)
Director: Sylvie Lavoie Producer: Radio-Canada Narration - voix de personnage
Beyond King Tut (2022)
Director: Hugo Loïs Producer: Les Productions Troublemakers Narration - voix de personnages pour l’expérience immersive.